Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?
Freedom Flower Direct Inc. is located at 187 Route 15W, Suite #1, Morrisville, VT 05661. We are conveniently situated for both locals and visitors to the area. You can find us easily via Google Maps, or feel free to call us for directions or additional information.

What forms of payment are acceptable?
We currently accept cash and debit card payments. Please note, for debit card transactions, there is a $3 ATM fee. Our goal is to provide convenient payment options while maintaining a seamless shopping experience for our customers.

What is required for customers to purchase recreational cannabis?
To purchase recreational cannabis at Freedom Flower Direct Inc., you must be at least 21 years old and provide a valid, government-issued ID for age verification. This is required by law, and we are committed to following all Vermont state regulations to ensure a safe and responsible retail experience.

What are loyalty points?
Our Loyalty Points Program rewards our customers for their continued support. Here's how it works:

  • Earn 2.5 points for every $100 spent when you create a customer profile with us.

  • Accumulate points and redeem them for discounts on future purchases.

  • Double points are awarded for specific groups, including:

    • Cannabis industry workers

    • Veterans

    • Seniors

    • Friends & Family of Freedom Flower Direct Inc.

We believe in showing appreciation to our loyal customers and creating added value for every visit!